These boxes contain 888 Dunny figures, 111 of which are my cheeseburger design. Minneapolis store Robot Love hosted
a release party for the Dunny Series 4 and I dropped by to watch the adventure take place and to sign a few burgers.

The original Burger Dunny design. 20" tall, hand-painted, I guess the prototype for the 3" dude?

Mandy and Liz want to sell you a robot.

Many stickers given out to toy-buyers.

Rachel looks so excited to be the first person to buy a Dunny! I wonder which one she got!


I have never seen this many people inside Robot Love before. Crazy big line filing out into the parking lot.

The line photographed from another exciting angle.

Doodling on a Mini-Munny.

Drawing sunglasses.

Kris selling Dunnies non-stop while his daughter Anika swipes credit cards.

The kids came out to buy Dunnies, and buy Dunnies they did... by the caseload!

Emma, of MPLS Art fame, also of owning awesome sweater vests fame.

A few more sharpie movements later and Voila!

Lots of toy opening and trading going on.

Ashley, who interned at Burlesque in Spring of 2007, sporting her brand new Moustache Bandana! Good look!

The aftermath.

How many burgers can you take?

These little guys were incredibly difficult to sign.

There he is.

Witnessed on the walk home.